Cookie Consent by Job Dashboard - UK Christian Jobs Directory

Job Dashboard

Job Dashboard

Jobs adverts disclaimer: While every effort is made to ensure that job adverts submitted to the free UK Christian Jobs site are relevant and appropriate, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, security, genuineness or appropriateness of adverts or those posting the adverts or those responding to the adverts. It is entirely up to individual users of the site to use their own discretion and take appropriate security measures, data security measures and other steps to ensure the safety, security and understanding of any information posted. This applies to both job advertisers or any information offered by job seekers thereafter. It is the job advertiser’s sole responsibility to ensure that any information is thoroughly checked and verified before and during any correspondence with job seekers. Job advertisers are solely responsible for the verification, security and checking for the authenticity of any job applications submitted either via this site, or via another route to ensure they are genuine. Please note that not all adverts will conform to UK Christian Web’s own statement of faith and are not checked for validity.